Keen to know more about Studium Generale?
In addition to the expansion of my general knowledge, I have certainly also developed my personal competences. Due to the constructive feedback I received after every report, my reflections have become deeper, and more thorough and accurate as time went by.
Studium Generale in the Netherlands
Shortly after the Second World War, Studium Generale
departments were founded in all universities in the Netherlands, as instructed by the Minister of Education, Arts and Sciences.
Within the field of student academic development, Studium Generale Wageningen focuses primarily on (the development
of and ability to engage in) meaningful reflection.
Here you can find an overview of all bureaus of Studium Generale in the Netherlands.
Studium Generale Wageningen counts among its tasks:
- to provide insight into the coherence of the sciences
- to stimulate personal development
- to promote critical thinking, global citizenry, and awareness of civic responsibility
- to serve as a platform for educational innovation
- to promote cultural and aesthetic development
Academic Development
Consistent with Dutch law, the student's academic development is central to Studium Generale's activities. The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) describes academic development as follows:
“At university students acquire more than just disciplinary knowledge. They also gain an understanding of scientific methods, they collaborate and learn to reflect and reason. In addition to the learning of academic skills, scientific integrity, ethical professionalism and (global) citizenship also fall within the scope of the student's academic development. Moreover, the acquisition of academic skills involves learning to think logically and critically, which enables students to carry the ‘epistemic responsibility’ that the practice of science requires of them.”
Studium Generale Wageningen is concerned with three forms of reflection:
- reflection on yourself (the personal)
- reflection on society (the social)
- reflection on science (the cognitive)