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Sectors such as farming and tourism need to adapt to climate change. But at present, they cannot use the information about climate change to do so because it is on too broad a scale or is not easily accessible. Now WIMEK is developing climate information services in collaboration with these users to create actionable knowledge.
Plastic debris in nature and society
There is increasing awareness of the potential risks plastic debris poses to the environment and public health. WIMEK’s scientists are helping to tackle this major problem. They use models and innovative detection techniques to give a better picture of where plastic debris ends up, they advise national and international organizations on the risks of plastic pollution and they develop circular production systems that prevent plastic waste.
Sustainable nutrient management
The nutrients nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are crucial for food production but are currently used inefficiently: some parts of the world have too much, while other parts have too little. WIMEK scientists use models to reveal nutrient flows and impacts, and show what measures are needed. They also develop technologies for removing and reusing the nutrients.
Circular water systems
Water scarcity is a global challenge. A key reason for water scarcity is the poor quality of the available water: the water often contains contaminants due to human activity. This is a threat to the environment and public health, and prevents the reuse of water. Clean water cycles are therefore needed. WIMEK is helping to achieve this by modelling water quality, developing technologies to remove contaminants and developing strategies for water reuse. We use multidisciplinary methods and collaborate with stakeholders to make sure our science leads to solutions for society.