WIMEK Mission & Grand challenges
WIMEK's research is focused on pressing environmental challenges. The research within WIMEK is performed by its participating chair groups, combined in clusters.
WIMEK aims to develop an integrated understanding of environmental change and its impact on the quality of life and sustainability and offers solutions for environmental improvement, by:
- Conducting innovative scientific research.
- Offering PhD training and education.
- Dissemination of emerging insights and recent research results.
The WIMEK Research Programme
WIMEK combines fundamental, strategic, applied and participatory research in environmental, climate and sustainability sciences, both from a social sciences and a natural sciences point of view, focusing on pressing environmental problems and sustainable solutions with local to global significance. Moreover, our fundamental disciplinary research efforts and innovative inter- and transdisciplinary (including stakeholders) research efforts are both needed to contribute to real solutions for the current emerging complex environmental issues. WIMEK especially promotes interdisciplinary research focusing on the interactions between ecological, chemical, physical and socio-economic processes and their interactions with society. This is considered to be essential for a solid contribution towards solving complex environmental problems.
Our research programme strongly concentrates on the components of the cause-effect chain of environmental problems:
- Environmental contaminants and nutrients, including biotechnological and physico-chemical processes for sustainable use and reuse of water, energy, minerals and materials;
- Environmental processes and ecosystem dynamics;
- Global and regional environmental change; and
- Sustainable development and social change: actors, institutions and governance.