If you are a WIAS postdoc who recently joined one of the WIAS chair groups, please send WIAS an email to let us know who you are and to register as a WIAS postdoc.

Registered WIAS postdocs receive:
- Information about WIAS grants;
- WIAS newsletter and magazine;
- Information on education and training for postdocs;
- Information on news and activities specifically for postdocs.
Visit the page Are you interested in a postdoc position at WUR? for more information regarding postdoc positions at Wageningen University.
Postdoc courses

The Wageningen Graduate School (WGS) offers a number of courses that are specifically designed to help you strengthen your personal and professional development and help you in planning your future career.
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Please have a look at Wageningen Graduate Schools Courses ( for training especially selected for postdocs. Almost all of the WGS courses are subsidised.
Dutch courses
If you would like to apply for a Dutch language course, more information can be found on Dutch - WUR.
Postdoc Career Development Plan

The Postdoc Career Development Plan is developed by WGS and supports you in thinking about the goals of your postdoc, your career ambitions, and (training) activities you can follow to optimise your career perspectives.
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More information
Rights and responsibilities
Confidential advice
Confidential advisor
WIAS has a confidential advisor who can be the first resort for postdocs who experience problems in their project or in their contact with supervisors. All information shared is treated confidentially and action will only be taken with the consent of the postdoc. The advisor can refer you to one of the specialised WUR advisors when relevant.
WIAS confidential advisor: Nicole Rodenburg
HR department
Postdocs can ask their HR advisor about matters concerning legal status, tax and pension rights, and other issues affecting them as employees.
Confidential counsellors
Unwanted behaviour: Complaints concerning unwanted behaviour can be filed with the counsellor and eventually submitted to the complaints committee for unwanted behaviour.
Research integrity: WU has two confidential counsellors for Research Integrity who can be contacted in case of suspected fraud, plagiarism or other scientific misconduct.
More information about the confidential counsellors and their contact details can be found on the intranet: Support & Mediation.
Occupational social work
The occupational social workers can help with problems related to a postdocs work or private life and will seek, together with the postdoc, the most suitable solution to his/her problem. More information about Occupational Social Work and contact details can be found on the Intranet: Support & Mediation.
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