WIAS PhD council

The aim of the WIAS PhD Council (WIAS associated PhD Students; WAPS) is to act in the interest of all WIAS PhD candidates. The WAPS council is asked to give input and feedback on matters related to the PhD programme. This includes the course portfolio, procedures and reviews of the graduate school.

The WAPS actively participate in the WIAS Education Committee (EC), Wageningen Doctoral Council (WDC), the WIAS plenary meeting and the WIAS Board. The WAPS organizes course evaluations, assists the organization of the WIAS Science Day and organizes social events for PhD candidates with a minimum of four per year.

The WAPS council consists of a minimum of six active board members and aims to have one representative per chair group (board or general member). If you are interested please contact waps.wias@wur.nl.

Positions in the WAPS council

Positions in the WAPS board

Position Tasks Credits (ECTS)
Chair Chair of WAPS meetings;Member of WIAS board; Actively participate in WIAS plenary meetings; Reports to WAPS council about Board and Plenary meetings; Representative of the WAPS Council 5
Secretary Responsible for the minutes of the WAPS meeting; Responsible for the preparation of the agenda of the WAPS meeting; Responsible for the WAPS Archive 4
WDC representative Actively participate in WDC meetings; Reports to the WAPS council about the WDC meetings 3
EC member Actively participate in all EC meetings; Reports to the WAPS council about the EC meetings; Supports organization of in-depth courses 3
Accie Responsible for the organization of (social) activities 3
Chair WAC Responsible for the organization of the WIAS Annual Conference 3
Communication officer Responsible for maintaining social media and website; Actively motivates PhD candidates to join activities 3

General rules for WAPS Council

Rules for WAPS

  • The WAPS council meets a minimum of 8 times per year
  • WAPS council members have a minimum membership of 1 year and a maximum of 2 years. Independent of the position they hold.
  • All members attend all meetings. Consequence for missing ≥4 meetings per year: no credits for TSP and leave Council. This is monitored by the WAPS council.
  • The WAPS council aims to have a minimum of 6 board members and is supported by general members.
  • A minimum of 1 board member is present at the WAC and the introduction course.

WAPS activities

Examples of activities organized the last 5 years

  • BBQ's and Drinks
  • Movie nights
  • WAPS Olympics
  • Naturalis visit
  • Games nights