Systems Approach for Sustainable and Healthy Diets
Become an expert in transforming food systems so that they become sustainable: healthy, affordable, environmentally friendly, and fitting in different food cultures.
Do you think it is important to keep the big picture in mind? Would you like to deepen your understanding of the interplay between different factors that contribute to a sustainable diet, like nutrient content, environmental impact, economic and cultural factors? Then the specialisation ‘Systems Approach for Sustainable and Healthy Diets’ might be a good choice for you. You can investigate drivers of food choice, assess diet quality, investigate diet carbon food print, or consider the implications of dietary guideline and policies for sustainability.
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In this specialisation, you will follow the courses Study Design and Interpretation in Epidemiology for Public Health and Analytical Epidemiology I. Additionally, you can choose from other courses like Introduction to Global Nutrition and Health, Food Systems for Healthier Sustainable Diets, The Politics of Healthy and Sustainable Food, Hidden Hunger or Nutrition and Cancer.
During your MSc thesis, you have the chance to concentrate on a subject in greater detail through one of the following chair groups:
Thesis examples
Some examples of MSc thesis topics that suit the specialisation ‘Systems Approach for Sustainable and Healthy Diets’ are:
- School gardening and sustainable eating behaviour in primary school children (Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles)
- Vegetarian food choices and the impact of food environment interventions (Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles)
- Dietary patterns in different sociodemographic groups (Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles)
- Micronutrient intake adequacy of Ivorian women (Global Nutrition)
- Screening for malnutrition risk in adults (Global Nutrition)
- Acceptance of smaller steps towards a more plant based diet (Global Nutrition)