Student testimonial
Ida Sinke - Biobased and Circular Economy
I studied the bachelor “Economie en Beleid” here at Wageningen University & Research. After that, I wanted to continue with my interest in circularity and sustainability, so, I was looking at Environmental Sciences in Wageningen and Sustainable Development in Utrecht. I felt like the approach is a bit pessimistic there, while the master Biobased Sciences is very solution-oriented. I eventually decided to follow this program because of its contents, and I wanted to stay in Wageningen.
I’ve been living in Wageningen for a while now and it feels like a small town. I like that a lot because you get to know people quickly and you see them around a lot, that makes me feel at home here.
What do you like about Wageningen?
“I’ve been living in Wageningen for a while now and it feels like a small town. I like that a lot because you get to know people quickly and you see them around a lot, that makes me feel at home here. During my time here, I’ve been a part of the student association SSR-W. I’ve also picked up the hobby to ferment things like kombucha, kimchi, hot sauces and other foods and drinks. “
Could you tell us about your study?
“Within the master Biobased Sciences, it is possible to craft your own path. There is a lot of freedom to choose your courses according to where you want to go. Whether you know exactly what you want to do or you still have to figure it out, both approaches are possible. I, for one, didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do, so I followed a variety of courses in which I dealt with various topics, for example: the construction industry, hemp milk, and circular fashion. I was able to get a taste of many different things, and now I want to focus on circular construction because that’s what I liked the most. I’m planning on taking architecture courses at TU Delft to further strengthen my knowledge about circular construction. “
What are your long-term plans?
“In the future, I would like to work in the area of construction. Currently it’s a very polluting industry and there is a housing shortage. I hope to contribute to a better industry by showing how businesses can pivot to a circular business model and help them figure out how circularity can be achieved technically. I’m not sure what kind of job I would want exactly in the future as long as it has to do with construction, policy making, sustainability, and positive approaches. Whether that will be in a consultancy position, a building company, or a government job, I don’t know, but I’m curious for what the future holds. “
What do you advice future students?
“For people that are considering studying at Wageningen University & Research, I think that the academic quality is very good, and I really like that things are arranged quite well. There are a lot of people from different backgrounds, especially in my program, and this both complements my skillset as well as makes me realize how much I actually know within my own expertise. Finally, I think you need to be interested in the intersection of social and technical sciences. If you like this concept, I believe you would fit with this program and shape it to fit your interests.”