Student Physician / General Practitioner
In The Netherlands, your General Practitioner - or 'Huisarts' in Dutch - is always your first point of contact for all medical matters. The GP plays a key role in the Dutch healthcare system, treating patients for basic non-surgical problems and providing advice on most of your general health issues.
The GP is also your link to most other services such as hospitalisation, specialists, midwifery etc. If necessary, the GP will refer you to a medical specialist at short notice. The GP keeps your medical records up to date and prescribes your medication.
How to find a General Practitioner in Wageningen?
You should register with a family doctor in your place of residence as soon as you arrive in the Netherlands. You are free to choose your own GP. However, it is possible that a practice is already full or will only accept new patients who live in the practice's (postal) area.
The Student Medical Center Wageningen on Campus (not part of Wageningen University) accepts new (student) patients; they and they are experienced in student-related problems.
If you live in Bennekom or Ede
Do you live in Bennekom or Ede? On the website 'Huisartsen Gelderse Vallei' you will find the other GP practices in the region. Enter your postcode and find a GP close to where you live. For info on the Pharmacy in Ede click here.
Visiting your GP
Call your GP first if you are ill or for general consultations on less urgent matters. A trained medical assistant will answer your call and take note of your symptoms so that your appointment can be properly scheduled.
Vaccination Centre
Students travelling abroad are advised to visit the Vaccination Centre for advice on vaccinations. You can make an appointment online. Visiting address: Plantage 8, 6708 WJ Wageningen.