ReThink Protein Challenge
Will you develop the breakthrough idea to feed 9 billion people with healthy, sustainable and affordable protein?
In the ReThink Protein Challenge students from all over the world are challenged to come up with a business idea or prototype that helps provide 9 billion people with enough protein in a way that is healthy, affordable and sustainable for our planet.
Student teams need to submit a business idea or prototype that offers an innovative approach to meet human protein needs, related to one or more of following themes:
- new protein sources;
- new protein foods;
- processing efficiency (incl. conversion);
- services or (social) interventions that accelerate the protein revolution.
Kicking off the ReThink Protein Challenge'2
The registration for the challenge has closed and now it is time for the official start of the challenge! Join the Kick-off Event on 14 January at 15:00 h. Whether you are a Challenge participant, partner or a by-stander passionate about protein transition, you are welcome to join!
Interested? Check out ReThink Protein Challenge’2 website and register.
Or Look back at first edition of the ReThink Protein Challenge.