Coming up! Surviving on Mars
In the future, we may travel to Mars, but how will we survive there? What technologies do we need, and how far are we in developing and testing them? What does this process look like?
In 2019, Charlotte Pouwels participated in the European Space Agency’s analog mission EMMIHS-II. By locking herself up in Mars-like habitats, she has been testing important aspects of future space missions and gaining firsthand experience while conducting her own research. Since then, Charlotte her analog company ICEE.Space, supported by ESA BIC, conducts analog missions world-wide to support pioneering research. Join us at this event to learn more about the future of space exploration!
About the speaker
Charlotte Pouwels is a physicist, Galileo Satellite Launch & System engineer, and public speaker. She is also the CTO of ICEE.Space and an advocate for women in STEAM. In 2019, she participated in the ESA EuroMoonMars EMMIHS-II mission at HI-SEAS in Hawaii, where she became an analog astronaut. In 2021, Charlotte co-founded ICEE.Space, a company dedicated to conducting analog missions worldwide and making space accessible to all.

The event organised by project B.A.S.E., Wageningen Academy and WUR Student Challenges as part of the upcoming ReThink Food Challenge.