Residence permit current students
At the start of your study Wageningen University & Reseach has applied for your entry visa and/or residence permit. You have received a residence permit for the entire duration of your study, plus three months.
More information on
Registration with the municipality
All foreign students staying in the Netherlands longer than 4 months have to do municipality registration.You can make an appointment via the link: https://afspraak.wageningen.nl/services (Select: moving to Wageningen). After you have registered you will receive your BSN (Citizen Service Number).
For the registration you need to bring:
• a printed and completed municipality registration form (download form)
• your passport and a copy passport
• copy visa sticker (if applicable)
• your rental agreement and copy rental agreement
Municipality Ede
Are you living in Bennekom or in Ede you can make an appointment for municipality Ede via the link: appointment Ede (it is in Dutch). Address Raadhuisplein 3, Ede.
Study progress monitor
Maximum duration Legal residence
The Student Immigration Office of Wageningen University has applied for a residence permit that is based on study.
If you change the purpose of your stay in the Netherlands, you need to apply for another residence permit and your residence permit based on study will be withdrawn by the IND.
Most of the times, a student will receive a residence permit that is valid for the duration of the study plus 3 months.
Basic rules regarding the duration of legal residence:
- A student must be registered as a student. If the student ends his/her registration, Wageningen University is obliged to report this to the IND. As a result of this notification, the IND will revoke the residence permit.
- A student must have sufficient study progress in order to maintain his/her legal residence.
- The moment a student does not obtain 50% or more of the credits that can be obtained during oneacademic year, WUR must inform IND. If a student is enrolled for a part of theacademic year, this will be calculated proportionally. The IND may cancel the residence permit. For more information see the website of Study Progress Monitor.
Leaving The Netherlands for a (short) period
- If a student leaves the Netherlands for another reason than a short vacation such as the summer holidays or the Christmas season please check this website Preparation for travel abroad
During the period of absence, the student must must have an address in The Netherlands to avoid losing his/her residence permit.
Check duration legal stay of the Netherlands:
The student must check the validity of their Residence Permit before leaving The Netherlands. The Residence Permit has to be valid on the date the student returns to The Netherlands. If not, the student has to contact SIO for advice.
Please check: Internship abroad with a Dutch Residence permit for study.
Termination of enrolment for a short period
- If your registration at Wageningen University ends for another reason than graduation, you have to leave the Netherlands within 1 month from the end date of your registration, no matter what the end date of your card is.
For example: if your registration ends on 1 March, you have to leave the Netherlands before 1 April.
- According to the Dutch Immigration Law, Wageningen University has to inform the IND as soon as your registration at Wageningen University has been terminated.
The IND will revoke your residence permit as from the date your registration ends and a gap in your legal residence will occur. A gap in your legal residence may affect your application for permanent stay in the Netherlands in the future.
- Students who have terminated their enrolment for a short period, should take into account that they can only re-start their study on 1 September, 1 January, 1 February, 1 March, 1 May and 1 July of each academic year.
- As soon as you when you wish to re-start your study, you need to inform SSC at least 3 months before the re-start.
- SSC will send you a return statement form. You need to return the completed form by email. After SSC receives the completed form, the finance department will send you an invoice.
- After payment of the invoice the Student Immigration Office will inform you about the visa procedure that is applicable in your situation (study- or tourist visa).
- The dues for study visa application ( more than 3 months) are € 243,- The tourist visa ( 1-3 months) must be applied for by the student him/herself at the Dutch Embassy.
For more information about Registration and deregistration during the academic year, please see Registration and deregistration during the academic year
Residence permit lost or stolen
If your residence permit has been lost or stolen, you need to report this at the nearest police station. The police will give you a certified copy of the official report. It must be clearly stated in the official report that this involves the loss or theft of your foreign nationals document or Foreign Nationals Identity Document type W/W2. You need to enclose a copy of this report to the application for a new residence permit card.
In case your residence permit has been lost or stolen during your stay abroad, you need to report this to the nearest police station in the country where you your card has been lost or stolen. It must be clearly stated in the official report that this involves the loss or theft of your foreign nationals document or Foreign Nationals Identity Document type W/W2.
The police report must be compiled in Dutch, English, French or German. If this is not the case, then you are required to have the report translated by a translator who has been sworn in by a district court and enclose a copy of the translation together with official report and your application.
You may need a new visa to travel back to the Netherlands. Please contact the Dutch representative, such as an embassy, in the country where you are staying.
You can download the application form for replacement of your residence permit at the website of the IND. It is also possible to apply online.
Finding the residence permit card again
As soon as you have reported the loss or theft at the police station, your residence permit card will become invalid. Even when you find the card again, you can no longer use it. You must hand in this card at an IND desk or send the card, that you found again, to the following address:
IND Bureau Documenten
P.O.Box 7025
8007 HA Zwolle
Internship in the Netherlands with a Dutch Residence permit for study
If you hold a residence permit for the Netherlands based on study, you are allowed to do an internship in the Netherlands. Your residence permit based on study will stay valid. You need not apply for another residence permit.
The employer does not need to apply for a work permit for you (TWV). The employer must, however, be able to present an internship agreement to the Inspectorate SZW, upon request.
A standard internship agreement can be found on the website of “studyinholland” and employers are strongly advised to use this document. This agreement must be signed by internship company, your supervisor (on behalf of Wageningen University) and yourself.
There are no rules about the salaries paid to interns. This is between you and the internship company. However, if you get paid the Dutch minimum wage or more, you are obliged to buy a Dutch basic health insurance.
As long as your salary is only a compensation for expenses, it will not be subject to taxation. Expenses include, for example, travel expenses. If any other form of payment is made, the internship provider must pay tax and social security contributions. In that case you will need to take out a Dutch healthcare insurance policy as you will then come under the Dutch social security system. You can also apply for a healthcare allowance.
If you do not receive an actual salary for the internship, you will still be covered under the insurance policy you use during your study programme.
Internship abroad with a Dutch Residence permit for study
Information regarding your study residence permit and your internship abroad part of your study program at Wageningen University & Research:
- Make sure you check the expiry date on your residence permit card.
Is it still valid until the date of your return? If not, make sure you contact Student Immigration Office at least 2 months before departure for extension of your residence permit.
- Contact your internship company and ask them for information on the requirements for legal stay in their country. You can also contact the immigration authorities of their country yourself. If a visa and/or residence permit for your internship country is required, you need to apply for these documents yourself.
- Check if your current health insurance covers the costs of health care abroad. If not, you should buy another insurance.
- You need to complete an internship agreement/contract. This contract must be signed by your supervisor (on behalf of Wageningen University & Research), internship company and yourself.
- If you plan to sublet your room, you need to contact your housing provider and ask for permission to do so.
- You are allowed to stay abroad for 8 months without losing your residence permit for the Netherlands. If you have no Dutch address during your absence, you need to stay registerd at the municipality.
You may contact Student Immigration Office for this more information how to arrange this through our contact form.
Return Visa
A return visa enables a student to return to the Netherlands when the student has not yet received the new visa that he/she applied for, so if the application is still in process.
The dues for this return visa are 168 EURO.
You need to apply for this return visa yourself. You can find additional information and book an appointment at the website of the IND.
In order to book an appointment you need the following documents:
- Passport
- Calendar
- Old or current residence permit (if applicable)
When booking an appointment you need to fill out your v-number. This number is mentioned on the back side of your residence permit.
The return visa is a national visa. This visa does not allow you to stay in another Schengen country other than for transfer purposes. If a return visa has been granted and you wish to travel to or stay in another Schengen country, you need to contact the authorities of that country for information on visa required for that country.
Validity return visa
The return visa is valid for a maximum of 3 months. In case of study this can be extended up to 6 months. In order to issue a return visa for 6 months, the IND requires a letter from the study advisor stating that the student needs to go abroad for study purposes and for which period this will be.
Extension residence permit
If you cannot complete your studies within the time set, you will need to extend your study and possibly also need to renew your residence permit.
For the extension of your study you need to contact the financial department of SSC. You can contact them by filling out the contact form for current students. The financial department of SSC will send you a GOP form (Guarantee of Payment) by email. On this form your study advisor needs to fill out how many months extra you need to complete your study and graduate. After receipt of the completed form, the financial department of SSC will send you an invoice for the tuition fees and statement of income. As soon as your payment and statement has been received, Student Immigration Office of SSC will inform you about the extension process for your residence permit. SIO can only extend when the payment of tuition fees is over the term of your residence permit validity. You need to extend your residence permit if your residence permit expires before or during the time of your study extension. The expiry date of your residence permit is mentioned on your residence permit card.
The IND dues for extension of your residence permit are 243 EURO. Please note that we can only apply for your residence permit extension when you are physically in the Netherlands, in the possession of a valid housing and a housing/address registration at the Municipality. If you travel while the application is still in process you will need a return visa, that you have to arrange by yourself. For more information about the return visa please contact the IND.
Graduation and legal residence
According to the Dutch Immigration law, Wageningen University & Research is obliged to inform the Dutch immigration Services (IND) that you have graduated.
For more information after graduation visit the following website: Student Residence Permit for University or higher professional education.
--> Study: I graduated and received my diploma. Can I stay in The Netherlands?
Health Insurance
Please note: If you stay in the Netherlands after graduation you will have to change your health insurance. It is not possible to use the AON (student) insurance that you received through Wageningen University & Research earlier.
You can buy a new health insurance directly at AON or any other insurance company. Carefully check the coverage of the insurance. We strongly advise you to buy both a legal liability insurance and a health insurance which covers repatriation in case of serious illness or death.
We hope we have informed you sufficiently.
Returning your residence permit to the IND
Your residence permit card is property of the Dutch Government. Therefore, students who have graduated and/or terminated their enrolment, need to return their residence permit card to the IND. You can either make an appointment for this via the website of the IND or sent the card to the IND. During the appointment you will receive a return receipt and a coloured copy of the residence permit*.
You can send your residence permit card to the following address:
IND, Bureau Documenten,
Postbus 49,
9560 AA Ter Apel,
The Netherlands
Before your return your residence permit card, please be advised to make a copy of both the front and backside of the card for future reference.
*When travelling home via another Schengen country, you may need to prove your legal stay in the Schengen Area. In this situation we advise you to send the card to the IND after arrival in your home country or make an appointment with the IND.
Orientation Year Visa (Search Year)
Your current residence permit is based on study. According to the Dutch Immigration law, Wageningen University is obliged to inform the Dutch immigration Services (IND) that you have graduated or terminated your enrolment. Once we have informed the IND, the IND will revoke your residence permit. For additional information see ‘graduation or termination of enrolment’ on this website.
The IND will inform you about the withdrawal of your residence permit by regular mail (post) at the address known to them. It is therefore very important to inform all authorities about changes in your address!
Staying in the Netherlands after graduation
If you wish to stay in the Netherlands after graduation, you need to apply for a ‘change of purpose’ at the IND. We would like to draw your attention to the study in holland website of the Nuffic. On this website you can find information on the possibilities of working after your studies (Orientation Year).
You can also find an Orientation Year Visa promotion film on Career in Holland and you can read the leaflet: "Important message regarding staying in The Netherlands after graduation"
You may also find information and an application form on the website of the IND. The form is called: Application for the purpose of residence of ‘looking for work and carrying out work whether or not as an employee’. Costs of the application are 243 EURO. You need to apply for this change of purpose yourself.
If you need advice on which purpose of stay best suits your situation, please contact the IND at 088-0430430
We advise you to apply for the Search Year visa before your legal stay in the Netherlands is over (see ‘graduation or termination of enrolment’ on this website). This way no gap in your legal residence will occur. A gap in your legal residence may affect your application for permanent stay in the Netherlands in the future.
You can start this procedure as soon as your last mark is in the system, so you need not wait for the graduation ceremony to take place. You may ask the student desk in Forum to complete the ‘Appendix Statement on completion of study’ that is a part of the application form.
Health Insurance
Please note: If you stay in the Netherlands after graduation you will have to change your health insurance. It is not possible to use the AON (student) insurance that you received through Wageningen University.
You can take out a new health insurance directly at AON or any other insurance company. Carefully check the coverage of the insurance. We strongly advise you to buy both a legal liability insurance and a health insurance which covers repatriation in case of serious illness or death.
Intra-EU mobility for students
Outgoing (going to another EU country)
You have a Dutch study residence permit, and you are going to study in a different country under the intra-EU mobility regulation for up to 360 days.
1. You have a valid Dutch residence permit for the purpose of studies. |
2. You are following an educational programme in which you study in several countries. Or you are going to another country under an agreement between 2 or more schools for higher education. |
3. You will leave the Netherlands for a maximum of 360 days to study in another EU country. Your residence permit for the purpose of study from the Netherlands will be valid during your stay in the other country. |
4. You do not pose a danger to public order or national security. |
Internship or thesis is not part of the mobility program, mobility is only allowed in the context of a study program. For internship or thesis, you need a residence permit.
1. Inform Student Immigration by email ssc@wur.nl at least 2 months before you plan to leave the Netherlands. | Include: Start date - End date - Country where you are going - Name of the programme you will follow |
2. Inform your host university that you are visiting under the intra-EU mobility. | |
3. Student Immigration must inform the IND about your outgoing intra-EU mobility at least 4 weeks before you leave. | |
4. You will receive a letter from the IND, approving your intra-EU mobility for 360 days, even if you apply for a shorter period of time. |
It is possible to divide the 360 days over multiple terms. You must request intra-EU mobility for each term separately.
Maximum duration legal residence after graduation
Is my residence permit for study purposes still valid after I completed my study programme in the Netherlands? When you graduate, your enrolment at you educational institution will be ended. How long your residence permit remains valid, depends on your situation:
- Your residence permit for study purposes is valid until 3 months or less after the date your enrolment at your educational institution ends. In this case, your residence permit will remain valid until its end date or until the start date of your orientation year, whichever comes first.
- Your residence permit for study purposes is valid for more than 3 months after the date your enrolment at your educational institution ends. In this case, your residence permit can be revoked after those 3 months if you do not apply for the orientation year, or for a residence permit with another purpose of stay, within those 3 months.
If you would like to stay than you have the option of applying making use of MyIND.nl for a search year or orientation year, but not later than the end of your +3 months you have gotten from the IND as explained above.
You may also find more about this subject on www.ind.nl or call the IND if you have more questions about the period after graduation.
- You end your study programme without graduating. In this case, your residence permit may be revoked immediately.
Health Insurance
Please note: If you stay in the Netherlands after graduation you will have to change your health insurance. It is not possible to use the AON (student) insurance that you received through Wageningen University & Research earlier.
You can buy a new health insurance directly at AON or any other insurance company. Carefully check the coverage of the insurance. We strongly advise you to buy both a legal liability insurance and a health insurance which covers repatriation in case of serious illness or death.