Termination of Enrolment
Enrolment as a student (or extraneus) ends on the last day of the academic year, August 31, if the enrolment has not been ended prematurely.
Termination of enrolment at your own request
Wageningen University & Research terminates the enrolment during the academic year after a request from the student has been received. The enrolment will be terminated as of the first day of the month following the month in which the Student Service Centre has received the request. The request for terminating the enrolment must be submitted to the Student Service Centre via Studielink. You will receive an e-mail from Studielink confirming that your request has been submitted.
Please note: You can't terminate your enrolment as a student back dated in time. If you are using an OV card via DUO and/or if you get study finance via DUO you need to end this as of the first day of the month your registration as a student is terminated. Example: If you requested via studylink to terminate your enrollment as a student as of January 1 you need to terminate the OV-card and/or study finance as of the same date via DUO.
A refund of paid tuition fees?
In case of possible graduation, please submit the request for terminating the enrolment well in time and no later than the day you took your last exam or finished your thesis or internship . You don’t need to wait for your last mark being booked in Osiris!
In Studielink you are asked to mention a reason for termination. If you choose for ‘graduation’, we will only end your enrolment after you have been actually graduated.
Please note: it’s not possible to terminate retroactively.
Following termination of the enrolment, refund of tuition fees is possible, except if you do request for termination as of July or August.
You will not receive a refund if you deregister on 1 July or 1 August. Your enrolment will be automatically terminated as of 1 September.
Termination of Enrolment by Wageningen University & Research
Wageningen University & Research can also terminate the enrolment of a student during the academic year in the following cases:
1. if it appears (after enrolment) that the registrant, at the time of enrolment did not satisfy one or more of the enrolment conditions of enrolment in article 1.2. The enrolment will be terminated immediately.
2. if the registrant, even after being warned by the university, does not satisfy the obligation of payment of (instalments of) tuition fees (see article 7.42, section 2*)
3. if the registrant is guilty of serious fraud related to his study programme (article 7.12b*)
4. if the registrant, who violates the rules and regulation as set by the Executive Board with regard to the use of buildings and premises of WUR, causes serious inconveniences and continues to do so even after being warned by the Executive Board (article 7.57h*).
Continuing studying at Wageningen University & Research?
Unregister at the Municipality
If you graduated and are going back to your home country or are abroad for longer than 8 months in a period of one year, you are required to unregister at the municipality.
For Wageningen Municipality you can do this online, starting from 5 days prior to your departure. Do you live in another municipality please check their website for the unregister procedure.