Switch from WU BSc to WU BSc or 2nd Bachelor programme

To change from one BSc programme to another or enrol for a 2nd BSc programme you should meet the admission criteria for the bachelor’s programme you wish to enrol in.


To change from one BSc programme to another or enrol for a 2nd BSc programme you should meet the admission criteria for the bachelor’s programme you wish to enrol in. Therefore you need permission to enrol in the programme as per the requested start date.

To arrange this please:

1. Complete the form and send it to the programme director of the bachelor you want to enrol in.

2. Ask the programme director to send the form directly to ssc@wur.nl


If SSC receives the signed form from your programme director, we will enrol you in the new bachelor’s programme.

  • If you have indicated on the form that you want to switch to another programme, SSC will end your enrolment in the current programme.
  • If you have indicated on the form that you want tot add another programme, SSC will enrol you in the new programme.

BSA: Binding Study Advise

If you dis-enrol from a degree programme between 1 February and 1 July of the first year, you will receive a final study advice, based on the amount of credits earned during the first year of the Bachelor’s programme.

If you dis-enrol from a Bachelor’s programme and you already obtained a BSA in the first programme, you have to obtain a BSA in the new programme.

For more information please see Binding Study Advice - WUR.