
Churches & Contemplation

Most Dutchmen are Christians, 55% of the inhabitants of the Netherlands is either Protestant or Catholic. However, though Christianity is the most dominant faith in the Netherlands, other denominations such as Judaism, Hinduism and Islam are also represented in Dutch society. A large part of the inhabitants of the Netherlands (40%) is atheist.

Wageningen University and Research is a neutral organisation, WUR does not support any (party-) political or religious activities. That is why we don't have specific prayer rooms. We do have contemplation rooms on Campus, to be used for different purposes. Ask the reception or secretary for the exact location in the building and the availability of the space.

Spaces for contemplation WUR

  • Gaia building 101, Droevendaalsesteeg 3
  • Orion building 103, Bronland 1
  • Atlas building 104, Droevendaalsesteeg 4
  • Radix building 107, Droevendaalsesteeg 1
  • Zodiac building 122, De Elst 1
  • Leeuwenborch (LEBO) building 201, Hollandseweg 1
  • Transitorium building 312, Dreijenlaan 3
  • Imares, Haringkade 1 IJmuiden
  • Animal Sciences Group, Edelhertweg 15 & Houtribweg 39 Lelystad

Activities & services in Wageningen

You can find a number of churches and other religious meeting places in the vicinity of Wageningen.

  • The Student Platform & Chaplaincy offers a variety of religious and philosophical activities for all students. For more information check this webpage.

English services:

  • International Student Church is an ecumenical and international community of students from countries all over the world and from different Christian traditions. SCW organises English services on every 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month, Arboretumlaan 1a (corner of Arboretumlaan and August Faliseweg). Check the agenda for time. 
  • International Taize services of the Student Platform & Chaplaincy every second Monday of the month from 20.00 pm at Arboretum Church Arboretumlaan 1a (corner of Arboretumlaan and August Faliseweg).
  • The International Catholic Community (ICC) organises every Sunday at 13.00 pm an international mass in English at the Johannes de Doper church (Bergstraat 17) in Wageningen. Afterwards everyone meets for a drink, a talk, some cake and cookies and music! Occasionally (during the week) a Mass is delayed or cancelled due to father Henri ten Have's agenda. Therefore every month the ICC sends an English Holy Mass schedule with the most current information about the Mass celebrations. If you like to receive it, please send a e-mail to
  • The International Christian Fellowship or ICF, offers various activities in Wageningen. English worships Sunday 15.30 pm, “Wagenburcht” , Kastanjeweg 2, Wageningen. Or for example a very successful host family program, where you as an international student or staff member can get in contact with a Dutch family.

Roman Catholic Church

Johannes de Doperkerk, Bergstraat 17, 6701 AB Wageningen. Every week Holy Mass in English. In September yearly welcome all new students by the International Catholic Community (ICC).

Protestant Churches


  • Synagogue Arnhem, Pastoorstraat 17a, 6811 ED Arnhem (website only available in Dutch)


  • Mosque Al Mouahidin (Islamitisch Cultureel Centrum) Peppelensteeg 1, 6715 CV Ede (website only available in Dutch)
  • Moskee Wageningen Facebook 

Hindu temple

  • Vaidiek Sanatan Dharm, Niemeijerstraat, 6701CR Wageningen.