Minors for students outside WUR
Bachelor's minors of Wageningen University & Research are available to students from other universities, for hbo students and for international students.
General information
Minors are an interesting option for both bachelor's and master's students from other universities, including hbo. You will then be registered as a 'bijvakstudent', giving you the right to follow courses at no extra costs.
Many of the BSc minors are entirely in English, but some contain courses in Dutch. If a minor is taught entirely in English this is mentioned by (en) behind the name of the minor in the list.
BSc minors at Wageningen University are usually 24 ECTS and are taught in the first or second semester. The first semester contains period 1, 2 and 3 and the second semester contains period 4, 5 and 6. Go to the Academic calendar for the specific dates of the periods.
Add up to 30 ECTS
When you have to follow 30 ECTS for your programme, you have to pick an extra course during your minor. There is room for that. You have room to follow 12 ECTS in periods 1 and 2 and 6 ECTS in period 3. For the second semester it is 12 ECTS in period 5 and 6 and 6 EC in period 4.
It depends on the minor whether this supplementary course can be picked from the Restricted Optionals in the same minor or that you have to pick a different course from the online WUR study handbook.
Always register for seperate courses, also in case of a minor
Although a minor is a coherent package of courses, all students, both external and WUR students, have to register for all the courses seperately, you don't register for a minor in total. You can register for the courses in Osiris once you have received your WUR account after you have applied for 'bijvakstudent'.
You don't need permission form WUR to follow a minor, but it is recommended to discuss your plans with your own study advisor or exam board first. Also, check the course descriptions in the study handbook to see if there is any previous knowledge needed.
Use this 'step by step form' to help you pick and schedule your courses.
Apply as a WUR, external or international student
For more information about who has to apply how, go to How to apply for a minor?
AID- WUR Introduction days
When you become a bijvak student at Wageningen University, you are also most welcome to join the university's introduction days called "AID". For more information, please check: www.aidwageningen.nl. There is one in August and one in February ('Winter AID')
Admission to a master's programme
Please note that taking a minor does not automatically give admission to an MSc programme! Please contact the study advisor of the MSc programme for information on pre-master programmes and minors. You can find the contact details of the study advisors on the websites of the MSc programmes.