Rent Subsidy

Rent Subsidy (Huurtoeslag in Dutch) is a tax refund provided by the Tax Agency (Belastingdienst in Dutch) of the Dutch Government, to people who rent a room or a house but don’t have a sufficient income. The rooms in the Haarweg 333, Bornsesteeg and Haarweg (uneven number, managed by Idealis) qualify for rent subsidy.

Requirements to get rent subsidy

1. You are 18 years or older.

2. You have a valid residence permit.

3. You have a BSN Number.

4. You have a Dutch Bank account.

5. You are registered at the municipality with the correct address.

6. You have a DigiD

What do you need to do?1. Go to the municipality and register, or change your address to your new address after you have signed your rental agreement. 2. You have to open a Dutch bank account, 3. As soon as you have received your BSN number, you can apply for a DigiD, 4. How to start the application forrent subsidy via internet after you have registered with DigiD.


It is your own responsibility to inform the Belastingdienst about all the correct data! If your data is not correct, for example if you

· apply for rent subsidy for rooms which don’t qualify,

· increase the amount for rent and service costs in your application,

· don’t inform the Belastingdienst about the termination of your rental agreement,

· or make other mistakes or give false information,

then the Belastingdienst will withdraw the subsidy and the full amount must be repaid at the end of the year.

How to apply:

Unfortunately, all the information on the website of The Belastingdienst is in Dutch. If you happen to know a Dutch person who can assist you filling in the forms, please ask them to help you. It will take less than an hour to fill in.

You can also contact the Housing Desk, they have a consulting our regarding rent subsidy


Please note, processing the rent subsidy application will take up to 8 weeks. The Belastingdienst will grant you the subsidy from the start date of your rent. Usually the Belastingdienst does the monthly payments around the 19th of each month.