gemeentehuis Wageningen

Register at the municipality

All foreign students staying in the Netherlands longer than 4 months have to do municipality registration.

You can make an appointment via the link make an appointment (select moving to Wageningen). After you have registered you will receive your BSN (Citizen Service Number).

For the registration you need to bring:

• a printed and completed municipality registration form (download form)

• your passport and a copy passport

• your rental agreement and copy rental agreement

Please print your rental agreement before your arrival and bring it to Wageningen. When you will live in another city or village, you need to register at the municipality in that city. You can ask them about the documents you need for the registration. If you move during your stay in the Netherlands, you need to inform the municipality about your new address. For example: If you move from Bennekom to Wageningen, go to the municipality of Wageningen to register in Wageningen.

Often the municipality is confused with the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). Notice not the municipality but the IND issue the residence permit.

Municipality Ede

Are you living in Bennekom or in Ede you can make an appointment for municipality Ede via the link appointment Ede. Address Raadhuisplein 3, Ede.