Language Requirements

If you are applying for one of our bachelor’s programmes you will have to demonstrate sufficient language proficiency. You are therefore asked for a language test unless you qualify for one of the exemptions as specified below.

For English taught programmes, you only have to meet the English Language requirements. For Dutch taught bachelor programmes, you have to meet both the Dutch and English Language requirements.

English requirements

The English language requirements apply to all bachelor's programmes, both English and Dutch taught.

Accepted English tests

Wageningen University accepts the following minimum test results and diplomas as proof of your English language proficiency.

IELTS Academic Test (IELTS online test and IELTS One Skill Retake results are not accepted) overall grade 6.0, with a minimum sub-score of 6.0 for speaking
TOEFL iBT (MyBest scores are not accepted) total score 80, with a minimum sub-score of 20 for speaking
Cambridge FCE/B2 First score between 169-190
Cambridge CAE/C1 Advanced score between 169-210
Cambridge CPE/C2 Proficiency score between 180-230
Dutch VWO diploma Engelse taal en literatuur
Dutch HAVO diploma Engelse taal en literatuur grade 7

IELTS and TOEFL tests should be taken no longer than 24 months prior to the day of your application.
Information and registration for these different tests can be found on the website of IELTS, TOEFL and Cambridge.

Exemptions: general

Applicants who have completed their secondary school education in Australia, Ireland, Canada (except for schools in Quebec), New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States of America are exempted from taking an English language proficiency test.

Exemptions: International Secondary Diploma

If you hold one of the following diplomas with English as an exam subject, you can in most cases be exempted from further English language requirements.

Country Name of diploma
Austria Reifezeugnis / Reifeprüfungszeugnis
Belgium Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs, richting Algemeen Secundair Onderwijs
Curaçao, Sint-Maarten and BES-Islands VWO Diploma
Estonia Gümnaasiumi löputunnistus
Finland Studenteksamenbevis / Ylioppilastutkintotodistus
Germany Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur)
Hungary Gimnaziumi Érettségi Bizonyítvány
Latvia Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību
Lithuania Brandos Atestatas
Luxembourg Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires
Norway Vitnemal for Videregående Skole
Romania Diploma de Bacalaureat (obtained after 2005)
Slovakia Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej Skúške (obtained from a Gymnázium)
Suriname VWO Diploma
Sweden Slutbetyg fran Gymnasieskolan
International diploma Name of diploma
International Baccalaureate Language of instruction English or English A Language and Literature
European Baccalaureate English Language 1 or English Language 2

Dutch requirements

The Dutch language requirements apply to all Dutch taught bachelor's programmes. Below you will find the accepted tests, diplomas and certificates.

Accepted Dutch language tests, diplomas and certificates

Wageningen University accepts the following test scores, Dutch diplomas and certificates as valid proof of your Dutch language proficiency:

  • MBO4 (Dutch Taught), HAVO or VWO diploma
  • NT2-II diploma
  • VWO certificate 'Nederlandse Taal en Literatuur' (for example via VAVO, adult education, Staatsexamen)
  • CNavT 'Educatief Startbekwaam' or 'Educatief Professioneel'

Exemptions: accepted secondary education

In most cases, you also meet the Dutch language requirements if your secondary school diploma is equivalent to the Dutch VWO level and if the subject 'Dutch' is part of your final exam. Examples of such diplomas are:

Diploma Subject
International Baccalaureate Dutch A Language and Literature (Standard Level)
Algemeen Secundair Onderwijs (Belgium) Nederlands
VWO diploma (Suriname) Nederlands
VWO diploma (Curaçao, Sint-Maarten and BES-Islands) Nederlandse Taal en Literatuur