Alumnus testimonial

Erin - Inspector at Expertise Animal, NVWA

Erin started studying about companion animals and livestock at HAS, continued doing theses research at MSc Animal Sciences to leading projects and research on animal health at NVWA now. In addition, she is a PhD candidate writing on monitoring avian influenza after vaccinations.

My PhD research will help shape the future of how the NVWA can supervise vaccination programs.

Life long passion for animals

"Hi! I'm Erin Langereis, and I graduated from Wageningen University and Research (WUR) two years ago. Today, I work at the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). At home, I'm surrounded by my two parrots and horses, reflecting my lifelong passion for animals.

I've always wanted to study something related to animals. My journey began with a focus on companion animals at the HAS University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, studying Animal Husbandry. During my studies, I completed an internship on a farm, which sparked my interest in livestock animals. The wealth of scientific knowledge about livestock fascinated me, so after completing my studies at HAS, I decided to continue my education at MSc Animal Sciences at WUR."

Exploring tuberculosis and horse breeding at WUR

"Transitioning to WUR was challenging since I didn’t have a strong research background. However, I embraced the challenge and decided to write two theses with the research groups Quantitative Veterinary Epidemiology (QVE) and Animal Breeding and Genomics (ABG).

For my QVE thesis, I researched tuberculosis in dairy cattle, exploring whether heredity plays a role in its transmission. Badgers are known to transmit the disease to cows and vice versa, and I got the chance to model the relationship between these species—a project I thoroughly enjoyed. My ABG thesis was in collaboration with KWPN, the Royal Dutch Sports Horse Studbook. I investigated if a foal’s early aptitude for horseback riding could predict its future performance. This research could be valuable for horse breeders as it helps in selecting the best foals for breeding."

Finding my place at NVWA

"After finishing my studies, I applied for a job at NVWA and was thrilled to find that it was a perfect fit! I’ve been working here for two years and still love it. I’m part of the ‘Animal Health’ department, where I work alongside ten colleagues who share my passion. My focus is on poultry and animal transport. We ensure that animal health laws are followed, lead projects, and answer important questions from the public and government.

As a project leader, I'm currently investigating how poultry is captured during transport. This is a critical issue in the Netherlands, as we may soon need to enforce a ban on catching poultry by their legs. It’s a fascinating challenge, and I’m proud to be at the forefront of this discussion."

Writing a PhD in avian influenza

"In addition to my role at NVWA, I’ve also been given the opportunity to pursue a PhD. My research focuses on avian influenza, specifically how vaccination affects disease monitoring and surveillance. This research will help shape the future of how the NVWA supervises vaccination programs.

The skills I developed during my theses have been incredibly useful in my PhD work. I’m grateful that I focused on two research areas, as it broadened my perspective. I love the mix of being a project leader and researcher, and I enjoy combining research with practical work. My goal in the coming years is to balance my job with my PhD, and ultimately, earn my PhD degree."

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