Training centre Veterinary Microbiology
Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) is approved as Veterinary Microbiology training centre by the European College of Veterinary Microbiology (ECVM).
Training programme
Training programme Veterinary Microbiology
Application as trainee at WBVR
Preventing and combating animal diseases contributes to healthy animal husbandry and reduces the risks of these diseases in humans. To ensure that our knowledge remains of high quality in the future, we invest in veterinarians who specialize in veterinary microbiology with our intensive training. You will be trained as a specialist in veterinary microbiology and veterinary diagnostics, including pathogenesis, diagnostics, clinic and epidemiology of various notifiable or endemic animal diseases and provide advice on this to clients and the government. Your knowledge and expertise will be deployed in case of an outbreak of a notifiable or novel animal disease. WBVR has two positions for veterinarians to be trained as specialist in Veterinary Microbiology, recognized by the European College of Veterinary Microbiology. The training period normally takes four years and a new candidate is selected as soon as a place becomes available.
If you are interested please contact:
Supervisors WBVR EBVS® diplomates European College of Veterinary Medicine
- Heather Graham
- Marleen van der Most
No position available at the moment