Student information
Social Safety - Looking out for each other
In our last newsletter, we introduced the infographic on Social Safety for Students of WUR. In the coming months, you will see more about the subject when the program “Looking Out for Each Other” for students, employees and PhD candidates will be rolled out on campus.
It is essential that everyone at WUR – management and employees, as well as students - contribute to a safer work- and study climate. Establishing a more effective and visible support structure is therefore vital in this program that aims to improve Social Safety at WUR structurally.
During the AID students have already been introduced to the ‘SafeTEA Escape Room’ and today – September 5th –the SafeTEA challenges start. Later this study period, TIME OUT! will play an interactive theatre performance based on real-life situations at WUR and various workshops about Social Safety are offered to students.
What's on the Social Safety Agenda?
SafeTEA Challenges
Social Safety is not self-evident. Also, it is not something that can be offered to you by the University; it takes a group effort, every day again. And, in the diverse and vibrant multi-cultural WUR society, not everyone may have the same knowledge and ideas about the subject.
The SafeTEA challenges stimulate you to investigate what social safety means to you and what is your contribution to a safe study environment. So, check out the website, subscribe, gather a few friends or housemates, start the challenge and win nice prizes!
TIME OUT! – Interactive theatre – Scenes from real WUR-life
The #MeToo movement and the scandal following years of sexual misconduct at the TV show ‘The Voice of Holland’ have really let the genie out of the bottle. But of course, it was always there: abuse of power and transgressive behaviour.
More than sexual harassment
Reason for the TIME OUT!Foundation to make an interactive theatre play about Power. Are you always aware that you have it? And what about the grey area, what is transgressive behaviour anyway? Sure thing: social unsafety is much more than sexual harassment alone. Think about bullying, discrimination or exclusion.
Start the dialogue
Just calling the offender a bastard doesn't get us there. We must start the dialogue. With good courage and a little guts. TIME OUT!aims to trigger that conversation by staging theatre scenes that were specifically written for real life experiences of WUR students. So, you are in the lead!
Date & times will be announced soon via the Student Training & Support agenda.
Confidential Contact Persons
When you encounter transgressive behaviour, you can talk about it with a confidential counsellor at WUR. But wouldn’t it be nice to have someone trusted that is a little bit closer to ‘home’? That person can be the confidential contact person (CCP) at your association. They operate under the same confidentiality rules as the professional Confidential Counsellors but may just understand your world just a little bit better.
At the moment Student Training & Support offers workshops for new Confidential Contact Persons at Wageningen Study Associations. If you want to know more, send an e-mail to Student Training & Support!
Workshops for board members and bar committees
Your Student Association is a great place to make friends for life and have fun. And it is important for members to feel safe and respected there. How can you, as a board member, contribute to that safe environment? A training can help to define your role and how to implement social safety at your association.
Safe clubbing
Transgressive behaviour implies the crossing of boundaries. But how do you deal with the fact that those boundaries are different for everyone? And how do you handle (potentially) unsafe situations? The training “Safe Clubbing’ explores together with your bar team what you can do to make your bar (kroeg) a safe and inclusive place.
Speaking Up
The Workshop Speaking Up is about discrimination for all WUR students. You will learn what counts as discrimination (incl. sexism, racism, and homophobia), what that does to victims, and how you can effectively stand up for someone. The result is that victims feel seen and supported and that harassment and discrimination are addressed.
Check Student Training & Support
We will keep informing you about the program Looking out for each other. For the latest info on dates etc. check the agenda on the Student Training & Support webpages and follow us on Instagram.
Board members of student- & study associations have been notified already by Student Training & Support. The Speaking Up training starts later this year. Please send us an e-mail if you are interested in the workshops.