SG - Climate Change as the Work of Mourning

Workshop by Evanne Nowak

Climate change impacts emotional, mental and spiritual health through multiple pathways of risk, including intense feelings of grief as people suffer climate-related losses of valued species, ecosystems and landscapes. In this workshop we explore, through a contemplative dialogue, how ecological breakdown is impacting our emotional, mental and spiritual health. The contemplative dialogue will be a place of collective processing, which hopefully enables us to ‘stay with the trouble’ and foster deeper reflection and emotional solidarity.

21:00 to 22:00, 28 May - Impulse

About Evanne Nowak

Evanne Nowak

Evanne Nowak has a practice of curating and hosting cultural events on ecology. She writes essays on existential questions facing climate change, and host philosophical group conversations. She graduated at University of Humanistic studies as an existential counsellor on eco-emotions in the face of climate change.

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