

Proteins, proteins, proteins: we see the promotion of eating enough of them everywhere. We already know that added proteins can have an effect on our digestion. But what happens while consuming proteins that are naturally present in foods? And how do these proteins affect our hormonal system?

To answer those questions, we are looking for you. For 2 periods of 2 weeks, you will eat free breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the research location (Helix) on work days within a time span of 7 weeks. For the weekends, we provide you with food to eat at home.

Digestion, hormones and proteins

After the consumption of food, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are broken down in the stomach and intestines and then absorbed. The composition of added proteins in food can influence these digestion processes. However, less is known about proteins that are naturally present in foods. Therefore, with the REVAMP study, we aim to investigate whether proteins naturally present in food affect digestion and other physical responses such as endocrine responses.


This study will take place from October 2023 to November 2024. The study lasts for 7 weeks, with a preceding information session and screening session. Both sessions will be scheduled in consultation with you. During a study period of 7 weeks, you will eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the research location (Helix) on work days for 2 x 2 weeks. On the weekends, you will receive pre-packed foods to consume your meals at home. Your body composition will be measured multiple times during the 7 weeks, and blood will be drawn a total of 3 times. Do you want to contribute to gaining more insights in protein digestion?

Is this something for you?

You are eligible to participate in this research if you meet the following criteria:

  • Aged between 21-50 years old;
  • Can read and understand English texts for questionnaires;
  • Have a BMI of 21-27 kg/m2;
  • Have good general and mental health and appetite;
  • Typically consume three meals a day around approximately the same times;
  • Have no difficulties with swallowing, chewing, or eating in general;

What do you receive in return?

  • A financial compensation of €1500,- upon completion of the entire study;
  • You will receive free food for 28 days (84 meals);
  • You make a significant contribution to scientific research.

What is expected of you?

When participating in the study:

  • You maintain your physical activity at a constant level throughout the entire research period and avoid intensive sports.
  • You will wear activity trackers for the whole duration of 7 weeks.
  • During two 14-day testing periods (a total of 28 days), you will:

    • Only consume the food provided by us and not share it with others;
    • Wear a glucose sensor;
    • Come to the research location on workdays to consume your breakfast, lunch, and dinner while being recorded on video (approximately 30 minutes per session);
    • Consume the provided food on weekends and return the packaging to the research location on Mondays;
    • Have a total of 3 longer study mornings where blood is drawn (4 hours);
    • Have a total of 4 measurement mornings where your body composition will be measured (1 hour).


    If you are interested in participating in the REVAMP study and would like to learn more, please read the information brochure for a detailed description of the research. To register for an information meeting of the REVAMP study, please fill in the following questionnaire. If you have any questions, please contact the research team via or on +31 6 81182770.