Student information

MSc thesis topic: Scaling SIF: from point observations to the entire field using UAV-based SIF and multispectral data

Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) is an important measure of plant stress that can be obtained using remote sensing. However, it requires field spectroscopy using hyperspectral sensors that are expensive to obtain. Most affordable sensors are point-based, i.e. they can only measure a single footprint several centimetres across at a time, making it infeasible to obtain SIF measurements for the entire field. In contrast, a multispectral or even a simple RGB camera is affordable and can quickly assess the entire field, but it lacks spectral detail to retrieve SIF directly. In addition, physical effects that lead to SIF emission are known and can be modelled using radiative transfer models and machine learning, but it requires correct measurement or estimation of a number of model parameters.

The objective of this topic is to find out the most accurate means of scaling SIF across the whole field using machine learning on auxiliary data, which is typically multispectral raster imagery, radiative transfer model inversion, or a combination of these techniques. This can include spatial interpolation (regression kriging) and/or advanced regression algorithms, including deep learning (e.g. U-Net) and/or physical modelling using radiative transfer models such as SCOPE.

Relevance to research/projects at GRS or other groups

The research topic is part on an ongoing field of research into measuring, modelling and scaling SIF observations within the GRS group, led by prof. Lammert Kooistra.

Objectives and Research questions

The objective of this thesis topic is to scale SIF using plant traits estimated from multispectral data with physical modelling, machine learning and spatial interpolation. Research questions may include:

  • How do different methods for scaling SIF from point observations to the entire field compare with one another?
  • Which proxy features and/or input parameters are the most important for SIF estimation accuracy?


  • Required: Geoscripting, Machine Learning
  • Optional: Spatial Modelling and Statistics, Deep Learning

Literature and information

Expected reading list before starting the thesis research

Theme(s): Sensing & measuring, Integrated Land Monitoring