Let’s WORK & MOVE!
From 31 March 2021, Work & Move pause software is available at no charge for students and employees of Wageningen University & Research. Work & Move replaces WorkPace.
Scientific research indicates that your brain becomes both mentally and physically fatigued after 40 to 50 minutes of uninterrupted work. Pause software may help you relax on time.
Personal Coach
Work & Move acts as a digital personal coach that helps you improve your work and study fitness. The software helps you achieve a healthy balance between concentrated screen work and mental and physical activity. You will stay more concentrated, energised and relaxed. Moreover, it helps reduce the risk of complaints of arm, neck and/or shoulders (CANS).
How do I install Work & Move?
You can download the software using the WUR-app store (students) or Software Center (employees). More information on the IT Portal.
Apple MacBook
Work & Move is not yet available for Apple. We recommend you install MacBreakz (see link above).