Thesis subject
Invasive crayfish on the menu
The American crayfish is an ‘invasive’ species in the Netherlands, and is causing significant environmental problems. A proposed solution is to eat the invasive crayfish – yet for this to work, it must become socially and practically categorized as ‘food’.
How is this categorisation established? Who is involved? Is it successful, and why? What are the implications of this, both for society (e.g. attempts to identify ‘sustainable’ food) and for scientific/theoretical understanding of how the category of ‘food’ is established, maintained and changes?
Jonas is interested in understanding food practices and how they are established and change, with a particular focus on novel foods and sustainable and healthy food consumption. His background is in sociology and human geography. Theoretically, his work engages with practice theory, the ‘sociology of the future’, actor network theory and related approaches.