Identification key: De Nematoden van Nederland
Research on the free living nematodes could develop rapidly after 1980, when the possibilities of using nematodes as bio-indicators in environmental studies became apparent. Collaboration with the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) from 1985 onwards led to the development of the so-called Maturity Index by Tom Bongers.
The connection with RIVM gave Tom the opportunity to write a proposal and to indicate the necessary support. He proposed a four-year project that provided his salary and that of a technician, Rene Manger. This provided an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the importance of (the taxonomy of) free-living nematodes. At the same time, he undertook to bridge the gap between nematode taxonomists and soil ecologists by composing a user-friendly identification key for "De Nematoden van Nederland".
In 1988 the first edition of “De Nematoden van Nederland” has been published. In 1994, after the first edition was sold out, an unchanged second edition appeared. This edition is also sold out. A paperback version is now available by POD (Printing On Demand).
This richly illustrated key, focusing on the identification of the Dutch terrestrial and fresh-water nematodes, is used worldwide. The hardcover version is sold out, but a paperback version can be ordered at KNNV-Uitgeverij (POD).