From bread to biscuits. And more.
A study by Wageningen Food & Biobased Research showed that consumers like the taste of biscuits made from unsold bread. Approximately 15 per cent of all bread baked is left on the shelves, normally ending up as animal feed or biogas. Thanks to our research the value of bread can be upgraded as a resource for flavoursome food products, with less waste as an added bonus.
Process and product design
Wageningen Food & Biobased Research developed three products from returned bread: porridge, gingerbread and treacle (used to replace sugar in biscuits). Another research project involved the food safety of these products.
Consumer research
Our consumer research into the taste assessment of gingerbread and biscuits made from returned bread shows that both products score well in terms of flavour and texture. In addition, consumers appreciate products which they know are made from returned bread.
More information on value creation from agrifood side streams
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