FAQ Working with FEM
We get many enquiries about how to identify and access PhD and post-doc opportunities with our group. Most of the answers to these enquiries are online already, here are some notes and pointers.
Frequently asked questions
Are you sure your research interests fit our group?
For additional information on FEM and our
interests see https://www.wur.nl/en/research-results/chair-groups/environmental-sciences/forest-ecology-and-forest-management-group/research.htm
interests see https://www.wur.nl/en/research-results/chair-groups/environmental-sciences/forest-ecology-and-forest-management-group/research.htm
No funds yourself?
If you don’t have funds yourself and are looking for positions these are advertised and must be applied for through competitive processes. See https://www.wur.nl/en/jobs/vacancies.htm (this includes PhDs and PostDocs).
Scholarships are occasionally available and are announced and described online ... these are generally competitive and we can only support a limited number of applications. See https://www.wur.nl/en/Education-Programmes/PhD-Programme/PhD-Funding-Financial-Support.htm
Have your own funds?
If you have funds, or potential access to funds,
then you should usually find someone with the interest and time to help
supervise and support the position. There are various forms of arrangement but
WUR does not subsidise such projects. For more on costs and budgets see https://www.wur.nl/en/Education-Programmes/PhD-Programme/PhD-Funding-Financial-Support.htm
then you should usually find someone with the interest and time to help
supervise and support the position. There are various forms of arrangement but
WUR does not subsidise such projects. For more on costs and budgets see https://www.wur.nl/en/Education-Programmes/PhD-Programme/PhD-Funding-Financial-Support.htm