Thesis subject

Assessment of perceptions about impact

For this project, an assessment will be made of perceptions about the impact of the partnerships of the Dutch NGO GKMT and its Zambian counterpart GCMF based on two case studies in Mpongwe district: (1) Mukuyu women group, and (2) Nchembwe Twesheko women group.

Practical information

Starting date: In consultation
Preferred language: English
Location: Zambia, Mpongwe District and the Netherlands
Supervisor: From GKMT Netherlands T. Korsten-Korenromp


‘Geef de kinderen van Mpongwe een toekomst’ (GKMT) is a Dutch NGO with a Zambian counterpart named GCMF, which is the English abbreviation of the same name. Through its activities, GKMT and GCMF strive to contribute to poverty reduction, sustainable development and the creation of development opportunities in the Mpongwe district. After having founded the foundation in 2001 and then led the foundation 'Give the children of Mpongwe a future', (GCMF) for 20 years, it is important to look back and reflect on the results of the many different projects that the foundation has carried out in the Mpongwe district in Zambia.

The Dutch NGO and her partners in the Netherlands and the Zambian counterpart and her partners have worked together for 20 years. 20 years of balancing between trust and control in developing initiatives, planning actions and project collaboration. The aim of this study is therefore to understand how the balancing of trust and control has influenced the collaboration and achievements over the years.

Possible research questions:

  • What are the participants’ perceptions about the
    most significant changes at the beneficiaries which happen or have been
    realized as the result of the interventions by GKMT and GCMF?

    • Changes on individual level
    • Changes on household level
    • Changes on community level
    • Changes on district level
  • What are/were the drivers and impediments for
    change at the beneficiaries’ level?

Type of research activities

The research entails a qualitative research approach and desk research. Interviews with stakeholders; focus group discussions or other data collection. The exact methods can be discussed during the first stages of the study.

Student profile

GCMF is looking for one or more students with an interest in sustainable development, poverty reduction and communication processes. Important skills are knowledge about qualitative research methods, interest/knowledge about sustainable development and poverty reduction. The student is willing to stay in a rural area. The students can stay in our own GCMF Guesthouse.