WUR Policy: Study anytime, anyplace
Why do I need a laptop as a student and is this mandatory?
In computer practise, the use of your own (Windows) laptop with a CANS/RSI prevention set (laptop riser, keyboard and mouse) is the standard. RSI stands for repetitive strain injury. The name suggests that the complaints are always the result of frequently carrying out a certain activity or movement. Because this is by no means always the case, the term RSI has been replaced by the more common name KANS (complaints concerning the arm, neck and/or shoulder).
You also take digital exams on your own laptop. A laptop is not obligatory for your study, but it is indispensable.
Why has this 'Study Anytime Anyplace/Bring your own device' policy been chosen?
Students increasingly use their own laptops during lectures to make notes and to access the learning environment of WUR. In addition to the educational applications (Brightspace, Osiris), WUR SAA/BYOD (Study Anytime Anyplace/Bring Your Own Device) also provides access to the software needed for computer labs, digital tests and writing your thesis. In this way, you have access to the software you need for your course wherever you are and you no longer need to look for a free PC on campus.
Wageningen University & Research is evolving from a traditional 'on campus' oriented university to a university where education can be followed in various (digital) forms all over the world. Studying and collaborating will also take place both on and off campus; the SAA/BYOD concept is in line with this flexibility. The policy was developed in close cooperation with the student council and the introduction of this concept started in 2019 with the consent of the student council.
Why does WUR not use fixed PCs with software?
The teaching spaces are now more flexible because there are no fixed PC setups. With a SAA/BYOD policy, we can better facilitate education: students no longer need to share PCs, different forms of work can be facilitated in the same room and the furniture is height adjustable and movable. The traditional PC rooms do not offer this flexibility.
Is the switch to SAA/BYOD motivated by cost-cutting?
No, that is not the case. SAA/BYOD is a different concept and it is not possible to offer both concepts (the concept with fixed eduPCs) alongside each other. Teaching rooms are now set up for multifunctional use, with or without a laptop. This is not possible with the fixed arrangement of eduPCs in a room. In addition, the new service will be paid for out of the discontinuation of the old service. The SAA/BYOD service includes other components such as:
- a laptop offer with extensive support through the WUR LaptopShop,
- the offer of KANS sets,
- support by the IT Servicepoint in Forum ground floor and the IT Service Desk,
- Availability of software via the WUR AppStore.
Why should I buy a laptop at the WUR LaptopShop?
WUR works together with other universities and by making collective agreements with a supplier we arrange an attractive range of laptops at favourable prices with extensive support (such as '1 hour laptop swap'). You buy directly from the supplier: WUR does not earn any money from it. Furthermore, WUR ensures that new software is tested on the laptops from the WUR portfolio, so that you are best facilitated by WUR during your studies. So, it has disadvantages if you don't buy a laptop via the WUR: you don't (immediately) have a laptop to borrow and you run more risks that software does not work (well).
If there is damage to my laptop at the WUR, who is responsible?
As a student, you are responsible for your laptop. If lecturers cause damage to your property as a result of unsafe situations, defects or accidents (such as getting stuck behind cables on which a laptop hangs), WUR will compensate the damage. There is a maximum compensation for laptops. WUR will not reimburse more than the cost of the most expensive laptop sold through IT Servicepoint/WUR LaptopShop. Damages can be reported to the reception of Forum, Orion, Aurora, Leeuwenborch and Atlas. When reporting damage to your property caused by a lecturer, the damage must be acknowledged by the lecturer.