
WYA 10 Years: How to get a personal NWO-grant (VENI-VIDI-VICI): the reviewers’ view

Obtaining funding from a personal grant is difficult. How do you do this? What should you pay attention to when writing such a grant? And what about the interview?

Organised by Wageningen Young Academy

Thu 13 October 2022 15:30

Venue Zodiac, building number 122
De Elst 1
6708 WD Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 483953
Room A0107

During this interactive session you will get ‘inside information’ from former personal NWO grant committee members. They will tell you about their perspective as a reviewer and you can ask them everything you want to know.

For: Postdocs & Tenure Trackers

What: Interactive session with former committee members

Drinks & bites included

Please register via the QR code below or the link:

QRCode for WYA grant applications.png
WYA 10 Years Logo.png