
WASS Seminar | What does the CAP do for European food supply chains?

EU farmers consider themselves in a vulnerable position in the agri-food supply chain. This message is expressed in the recent farmers’ protests, leading to calls for fairer remuneration by the market (prices) and fairer treatment by other actors of the food supply chain.

Over the past ten years, the European Union has implemented a number of measures aiming at ensuring a robust and equitable agri-food supply chain, such as the Unfair Trading Practices Directive, exemptions from competition rules, support to cooperation and contractualization via EU’s common market organizations.

The perception by farmers of these challenges became more acute in the last four years, marked by the compounding effects of successive crises, lastly with the impact of high inflation and energy prices. In parallel, national initiatives are mushrooming with similar objectives: is there a case for additional EU level action?

Everybody is welcome to join.

Organised by Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS), Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy, Wageningen Social & Economic Research

Wed 6 March 2024 12:00 to 13:00

Room B0062 | Leeuwenborch, building number 201 |

Speaker: Fabien Santini (European Commision) 

Fabien Santini.JPG

Fabien Santini is an agro-economist and political scientist by training, He has worked in various DGs of the European Commission (AGRI, INTPA, JRC) over the last 25 years. He is currently acting head of unit for the governance of agri-food markets in DG AGRI.