PhD defence

Understanding Income and Labor Market Inequalities: Methods and Applications

PhD candidate A (Ana) Kujundzic MSc
Promotor EH (Erwin) Bulte
External copromotor Janneke Pieters
Organisation Wageningen University, Development Economics

Tue 10 December 2024 13:00 to 14:30

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Auditorium


Income inequality, both within and between countries, has become a critical global issue despite significant economic growth and improvements in well-being over recent decades. Excessive inequality not only threatens the progress made in poverty reduction but also undermines social cohesion and increases the risk of conflict. Therefore, understanding the underlying factors contributing to income inequality is of paramount importance. This thesis investigates various forms of income and labor market inequalities, with a particular focus on how educational assortative mating and occupational gender segregation might contribute to these disparities. Additionally, key measurement challenges in comparative research on these topics are addressed, which is essential for accurately assessing sorting patterns and their relationship with inequality.