
Symposium Edible SoftMatter in between Fluid and Solid States

Join the Edible Soft Matter in between Fluid and Solid States Symposium, which will take place at Hotel De Nieuwe Wereld in Wageningen on December 11, 12 and 13 2024 and register here for the registration fee of € 200,- (€ 250,- including conference diner). The conference is on the occasion of the inauguration of Ruud van der Sman, Friday December 13, 16:00h (see about).

Organised by Wageningen University & Research

Wed 11 December 2024 until Fri 13 December 2024

Venue Hotel de Nieuwe Wereld, Marijkeweg 5 6709 PE Wageningen


For structuring of food materials it is often required that it transits between liquid-like and solid-like states during processing. (Spray) dried foods, extruded meat analogs and 3D food printing inks undergo such transitions during their making. For the creation of their structure, these foods are required to flow, but they need to solidify to preserve the imposed structure or printing design. The structuring objective of spray drying can be the creation of hollow particles or agglomerates. In the liquid-like state these meat analogs or food inks can be viewed as yield stress fluids. But, during solidification the microstructure is being rebuild, reinforcing the material. This becomes apparent as an increase of yield stress.

While food rheology has been investigated already for decades, the understanding of food materials in the solid state still needs attention. Luckily, we can learn from recent developments in the large deformation mechanics of soft materials. The physics is challenging because of the coupling of mechanics and transport of water, which must be considered from a thermodynamics perspective.

This symposium focusses on furthering the understanding of food material behaviour during their “fluid-to-solid” transition via bringing together food scientists studying transport phenomena, with researchers investigating solid mechanics of soft matter, and rheologists. We have 25 renowned speakers discussing their research on these topics.

The content of the full programme is shared (see Programme) and the practical information is also available (Hotel/Directions & Parking). At the registration you can choose to join the Young Sientist Event on December 11, the brainstorm session on December 12 and/or for the conference diner at December 12.

Practical information

We are aiming for max. 100 attendees, next to our 25 speakers. It is advised to register in advance due to limited number of attendees.

There is a small fee (€ 200 / € 250 excluding/including conference diner) paid at registration.

It is possible to book your hotel room at the Hotel de Nieuwe Wereld as well.