
SG - Mentally Dealing with Climate Change

The constant stream of bad news concerning human induced climate change, environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity has become a given. But people can react very differently to this news. We can ridicule it, ignore it, get depressed by it, radicalise because of it. This series explores those different reactions and their possible consequences.

Organised by Studium Generale

Tue 21 November 2023 20:00

Venue Impulse, building number 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 482828

About Mentally Dealing with Climate Change

The climate is changing. There is no doubt about that. This raises many important questions like: how do we relate to nature, how can we deal with the effects this crisis has on us mentally, and how can we talk about climate change effectively?

During this interactive lecture, Yvette Stevens (philosopher and psychologist) and Ariadne Hamming (psychologist) dig into those questions, among others discussing how differently people can mentally deal with the news concerning climate change, and the do's and don'ts of a climate conversation. As climate psychologists, both are committed to make people, organisations and the government aware of the consequences of climate change and supporting them towards sustainable behaviour.

About Ariadne Hamming

Ariadne Hamming

Ariadne Hamming is psychologist and cognitive behavioural therapist. Beside her work in her private practice, she is climate coach at Stichting Klimaatgesprekken (Climate Conversations Foundation), she gives lectures and workshops for Stichting Klimaatpsychologie (Climate Psychology Foundation) and she's a rebel at XR. Her mission is to encourage as many people as possible to adopt climate-friendly behaviour, in order to jointly arrive at the social tipping point through which we as a society can tip the climate crisis. She wants to achieve this by first slowing down, then becoming aware and then choosing value-oriented behaviour.

About Yvette Stevens

Yvette Stevens

Yvette Stevens is a psychologist and philosopher committed to a sustainable and social world. This is reflected in her work as sustainability programme coordinator for a large healthcare and education organisation and in her work as a climate psychologist for her own company Groen Gedrag (Green Behaviour). She is also a board member at Stichting Klimaatpsychologie (Climate Psychology Foundation) and climate coach at Stichting Klimaatgesprekken (Climate Conversations Foundation).
She believes it is important to raise awareness about climate justice and, in particular, the underexposed interests of indigenous peoples, future generations, animals and ecosystems.