
Recent Advances in Animal Breeding Applied to Aquaculture (0.9 ECTS)

Organised by John Bastiaansen, Arjan Palstra & Hans Komen

Tue 10 September 2024 until Thu 12 September 2024

Duration 2,5 days; 10/9, 13.00-17.00, 11/9, 9.00-19.00 (incl. dinner), 12/9, 9.00-14.30
Venue Forum, building number 102
Droevendaalsesteeg 2
6708 PB Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 482160
Room: B0214

Course description

Selective breeding is an important tool for aquaculture production, to improve efficiency, animal health, and sustainability. Animal breeding is a highly technical field applying computational analysis and modelling, genomic information, and high throughput data from imaging and sensor data on biologically relevant traits. A successful breeding program needs to select the useful technologies and combine them effectively to obtain the genetic improvement that is needed in the specific species and production environment.

Course focus:
We will teach about the latest technologies that are currently implemented or are close to application during lectures given by experts in these fields. While working on a practical case, participants will discuss with the experts how to apply these technologies to discover their potential impact in breeding programs. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the future needs of aquaculture and how these can be addressed by selective breeding during an industry forum.

List course objectives

Learn about recent technological developments in animal breeding, apply this knowledge in group work and discussion with experts to design a breeding program that serves the needs for the future of aquaculture production.

List learning goals

  • Provide participants with practical knowledge on the recent advances in livestock breeding programs that can be applied to aquaculture
  • Understanding the industry needs for breeding programs in aquaculture
  • Practical experience in designing a breeding program with state of the art technologies.