
Navigating Facts & Values

Sometimes interests among groups or people seem so disperse, that it is hardly possible to have a constructive conversation – let alone move forward together. We all know the discussions where factual arguments get dismissed due to opposing values or stakes. When we get involved in a discussion where facts and values mingle, it is all the more important to realise how we deal with our own values and facts – and those of others. In what way do we see reality?

Organised by Wageningen Dialogues

Mon 18 March 2024 12:00 to 14:00

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Spectrum

Reflect on your own value system and how this frames us in seeing solutions for society. Explore how a set of ideas form your perspective and sense of reality. Find out how to bridge apparent paradigms, and what ways of dialogue might help you and your peers in navigating complex issues.

By being in connection through good conversations, we can truly contribute to complex transitions. Our monthly dialogue community meet-up help to increase your dialogue knowledge and skills. This session is hosted by WUR alumna and dialogue-friend Sigrid Smeele.

Anyone working or studying at WUR can join the community or join any of these individual meet-ups. Registration is not needed but appreciated (by sending an email).