Training course

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Are your thoughts everywhere but ‘in the moment’? Do you worry about the future or dwell on the past and does this make you feel frustrated, stressed or anxious? Do you feel you have no control over your life, or do you lack focus or motivation?

This practical group training helps you to be present and aware in order to live a life that holds value to you. You will acquire tools to cope with stress, learn to accept what is happening in your life, and will be able to make better choices.

Organised by Student Training & Support
Venue Groot Nergena (gebouwnr 111), Dr. W. Dreeslaan 1. Bennekom
Price description Free

What is Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a way of life rather than a meditation technique. It helps you to fully be in the present moment, intentionally, and without judgment.

We all have the ability to pay attention right? However, often our mind starts wandering; to the past, the future or just to the likes on Insta or breaking news on our phone. As a result we lose touch with our body and before we know it we are caught up feeling bad about something that we should have said yesterday or worrying about what might happen tomorrow.

Mindfulness is the ability to look at those thoughts and feelings with an open and flexible eye. To be aware – and embrace - all that is already here. And the good news is, this is a quality we already have, we just have to learn to access it.

The Training

This 6 week program helps you develop your capacity for awareness, attention, acceptance and living in the present moment.

After the course you will have experienced how stress impacts your life, gain knowledge on how to reduce stress, and change from lack of focus to full presence. Increased happiness is not the goal of this course… but it may well be the outcome.

Practice versus theory

The training course focuses on experience, more than theory. You will learn mostly by doing and feeling, rather than listening. We will be practicing mindfulness based (meditation) exercises and share our experiences.

For whom

This training course is for students who struggle with:

  • high stress levels in their every day (student) life
  • burn out in the (recent) past (not currently!)
  • concentration or focus (stress related)
  • identifying/coping with difficult emotions

Practical info

Group size Max. 12 participants
Language English
Duration 6 sessions of 2,5 hours + a silence day
Preparation To participate, a screening form is mandatory. Please be aware, it takes full commitment during and in between sessions.
Cost Free of charge; offered by Student Training & Support

If are you interested in joining this course in the future, please sign up for the interest list. As soon as new details are published we will send you an e-mail.