
Micronutrient Forum in The Hague to achieve lasting impact worldwide in nutrition

The Micronutrient Forum (MNF) is organizing this year's sixth global conference on nutrition and micronutrients. This time the event can be attended from 16 to 20 October, both online and live at the World Forum in The Hague, The Netherlands. The theme is Nutrition for Resilience (N4R). Wageningen University & Research is the guest committee for this broadscale event.

Organised by Human Nutrition & Health

Mon 16 October 2023 until Fri 20 October 2023

Venue The Hague, Netherlands

Complex crises

The world faces enormous challenges and complex crises that affect our well-being. From climate change to food insecurity, from the aftermath of COVID-19 to regional conflicts. Women are hit even harder by these crises because of existing unequal power relations. This has direct consequences for the (under)nutrition of women and children, with long-term consequences for future generations.

Nutrition for resilience

Nutrition for Resilience is all about increasing and strengthening our scientific understanding and policy. This will enable us to better leverage the critical relationship between micronutrients and resilience and accelerate progress towards our global nutritional goals.

Latest insights

The conference offers a program of four tracks, featuring the latest scientific and policy developments across the entire micronutrient cycle. From the biology, to efficacy and safety, the effect and implementation of programs, as well as the necessary partnerships. With the aim of creating lasting impact in the field of nutrition, all over the world.

Read more on the website of the Micronutrient Forum