PhD defence

Linking past, present and future pathways to fire adaptation: a transdisciplinary approach in Mediterranean Europe

PhD candidate KAU (Kathleen) Uyttewaal MSc
Promotor prof.dr. C (Carolien) Kroeze
External promotor Dr. Núria Prat Guitart
Co-promotor CR (Cathelijne) Stoof
Organisation Wageningen University, Earth Systems and Global Change

Fri 4 October 2024 10:30 to 12:00

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Auditorium


Fire is a complex natural and cultural element that cannot be managed through suppression or hazard reduction alone. Changes in land use and climate are worsening fire's impacts on ecosystems and communities, while many of the cultural and ecological benefits of fire have been lost or ignored. Addressing this challenge requires complex thinking, and transdisciplinary research is well-suited for this task. Therefore, this thesis aimed to develop a practical transdisciplinary framework and test transdisciplinary approaches to reduce wildfire risk as part of sustainable rural development. The findings encouraged engagement in complex systems science, promoted learning, built relationships, and inspired creative thinking, exploring possibilities for change in governance and social structures.