International Flatfish Symposium 2024, November 25-28, Wageningen
We are happy to announce a 2024 International Flatfish symposium, organized on 25-28 November in Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Reconnecting Horizons: Charting a course for flatfish research
The concept of the flatfish symposia was initiated at the 1989 European Marine Biology Symposium in Oban, Scotland. A group of young scientists supported by Ray Beverton set up an international forum to discuss and exchange their ideas and results on fish ecology with respect to their research on flatfishes.
Since then, the International Flatfish Symposium was held every three years, becoming the focal point for global research on flatfish biology and their fisheries. Over the years, a wide range of sessions has been organized, on topics including flatfish ecology and evolution, anthropogenic stressors on flatfish populations, flatfish stocking programs. Sessions outcomes and presentations of the symposium were published in the Journal of Sea Research.
After a hiatus in the organization owing to the global covid pandemic, we are happy to announce a 2024 International Flatfish symposium, organized on 25-28 November in Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Objectives and themes
The objective of the 2024 Symposium is to bring together researchers working on flatfish and their fisheries again, providing them with an opportunity to present their work, and fostering discussions. To this end, we invite presentations on a set of themes:
1. Environmental forcing of flatfish populations
2. Socio-economic Impacts of flatfish fisheries including bycatches
3. Spatial Population Structures: assessment, movements, behaviour
4. Aquaculture and Stock Enhancement
5. Insights on life history patterns, from otolith and other studies
6. Emergent Issues: poorly studied species, wind farm development, technology development in research
Target Group
The symposium is targeting at all researchers working on flatfish, Those who wish to attend the symposium without making a presentation are welcome. We more than welcome PhD students and other early-career researchers, who have a reduced registration fee.
For more information send an email to: flatfish2024@wur.nl
Preliminary Programme 25-28 november 2024
As is tradition, the symposium will have a single room, in which all themes are presented. This means that you will not have to miss any talks.