
Inauguration Prof. Nico van den Brink

Organised by Wageningen University, Toxicology

Thu 11 January 2024 16:00

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Podium

Environmental toxicology with a backbone

From mechanisms to biodiversity

As Rector Magnificus of Wageningen University & Research, it is my pleasure
to announce that

Prof.dr Nico W. van den Brink

Professor of Environmental Toxicology, will give his inaugural lecture, entitled

Environmental toxicology with a backbone,
from mechanisms to biodiversity

on Thursday 11 January 2024 at 16.00 hours at Omnia building (105),
Wageningen Campus, Hoge Steeg 2, 6708 PH Wageningen, the Netherlands.

I would like to invite you to join us for this inaugural lecture and the reception

Prof.dr Arthur P.J. Mol
Rector Magnificus