WUR Impact Award 2024
The Road to Impact Event will take place on 20 June, including the presentation of the WUR Impact Award. Besides the possibility to register now for this event, it is also possible to vote for your favourite impact makers. The voting lines are officially open! The five nominees have recorded introductory clips for you to get to know their story of making impact and the teaser will get you ready for the Impact Award and the voting.
The Impact Award will showcase five nominated teams sharing their successes. The Award will be presented to a team of WUR researchers that has distinguished itself and achieved tangible impact in the past years. This is the first year in which the WUR Impact Award includes an audience award besides the jury prize, so it is especially important to support a team. It often requires many extra steps to implement knowledge or get a product to the market, but the five nominees have all showed how to get science to society. These projects are an inspiration to all (aspiring) impact makers. Therefore, make sure to watch their introductory clips, and cast your early vote!
The WUR Impact Award is made possible by the Wageningen Ambassadors and University Fund Wageningen.
1. HighLO “High Energy Physics Tool in Limit Order Book Analysis”
HighLO aims to identify manipulation in commodity and energy markets in collaboration with CERN by using CERN’s methodologies and tools developed in particle physics. HighLo’s focus on commodity and energy markets accelerates the sustainable energy transition and leads to stabilised commodity and energy prices and more predictable costs for consumers.
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2. KringloopWijzer
The KringloopWijzer from WUR easily maps out the mineral cycles for a specific dairy farm and includes an assessment of excretions and surpluses of nitrogen and phosphate, mineral utilization, and ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions. Nearly 100% of all Dutch dairy farmers use KringloopWijzer these days.
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3. Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge
The Challenge simulates collaboration between AI and complex greenhouse crop production systems, leading to production boosts, less energy use, new sensor technology, and new crop insights. Several start-up companies have been founded as a result of the Challenge. In this way, the Challenge has been instrumental in advancing autonomous cultivation and innovation in horticulture.
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4. The WCDI Seed Systems Thematic Cluster
The WCDI Seed Systems Thematic Cluster puts abstract food systems thinking into seed sector practice, thereby improving access to quality seeds for millions of farmers. This has given rise to sustainable local enterprises, improved educational opportunities, and other initiatives that have led to more food security in the Global South.
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5. The Sustainability Consortium and EcoLabel
The WUR team developed and successfully contributed to the implementation of Dutch, European, and global standards for measuring sustainability. The initiatives have created fairer competition between companies on sustainability metrics. Examples of this are THESIS of The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) and the Dutch Ecolabel.
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The five nominees for the WUR Impact Award have achieved significant impact. The award celebrates the successes of the five teams.
Road to Impact Event
The WUR Impact Award is part of the Road to Impact Event on June 20. During the WUR Road to Impact Event, we will inspire each other on the ways we can be impactful and on what is needed to make an impact. The event will consist of a short presentation on the strategy of making an impact as WUR, a demonstration market with Road to Innovation Grant recipients, pitches of nominees of the 2024 WUR Impact Award, and the announcement of the winner!
The Road to Impact Event also includes a demo market where Road to Innovation grant recipients will be present to discuss their needs, struggles, and road to impact. Others on a similar path can get a dose of inspiration and learn from each other. Short presentations and time to walk around the market will provide opportunities for networking and conversation. It is possible to register for the whole event starting at 13:30 and including the demo market, or to register solely for the Impact Award starting at 15:00.
13:30 - 14:00 | Plenary Opening |
14:00 - 14:45 | Impact Demo Market |
14:45 - 15.00 | Break |
15:00 - 16:00 | Impact Award (pitches, voting, award ceremony) |
16:00 | End of activity, start Summervibes festival |