PhD defence

Human Appropriation of Water Resources in a Multifunctional Landscape: Issues, Models, Games and Responsibilities

PhD candidate L (Lisa) Tanika
Promotor prof.dr. M (Marielos) Peña Claros
External promotor Prof. Dr Meine van Noordwijk
Co-promotor EN (Erika) Speelman
Organisation Wageningen University, Forest Ecology and Forest Management

Tue 8 October 2024 15:30 to 16:00

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Auditorium


Issues between humans and water resources have a long history of change, and now lead to human and human issues. A multifunctional landscape management approach tries to address these issues by developing integrated planning to fulfill various human needs. However, developing a multifunctional landscape is difficult because it involves multi-level and multi-scale of stakeholders, who have their own knowledge and agendas. The objective is to develop a full understanding of socio-hydrological systems for sustainable water resource management in multifunctional landscapes.

To achieve the objective, this research used a socio-hydrological system concept which was translated into serious games and hydrological models to facilitate knowledge transfer and sharing among stakeholders. In order to give inspirations to different areas facing similar socio-hydrological issues, this research developed adaptable models and games which was proven by simulating models and games in two contrasting landscapes in Indonesia: watershed and peatland.