Training course

How to Deal with Criticism

Do you find it difficult to receive feedback or criticism?

Picture this: You are in a house meeting or group-work session and someone criticises your behaviour. Thoughts and feelings take over and colour your perception. You take it personally, feel guilty or get angry (for example). As a result, you may not hear what the other person was really trying to say and in the end both parties are frustrated or disappointed.

Is there really no other way?

Yes, there is! This training will teach you how to make the process of giving and receiving feedback more effective. What's in it for you? A better understanding of yourself, a more satisfying outcome for you and your counterpart, and a positive and stable basis on which to continue a friendship or collaboration.

Organised by Wageningen University & Research

Wed 18 September 2024 17:00 to 18:30

Duration 4 Wednesdays, 18,25 Sept & 2,9 Oct 2024
Venue Forum, check the Outlook invitations
Price Free

About the training

In four active workshops we will dive into the basics of non violent – or empathetic – communication. With some theory and a lot of practice you will learn how to stand up for yourself when you get triggered by your surroundings.

1.What happens to you when you are criticized?

We will use our own experiences to explore this topic. What happened, what did you think and what did you feel? Together we will analyse this process, which will help you to stay closer to yourself and less easily upset.

2.Listening in a helpful way

When a friend is upset or sad, you want to help they/them. But how do you do this? This session teaches us to focus on the unfulfilled needs causing the angry or disappointed feeling. This will give you clarity about your friend's needs.
“But hey, I want to learn how to handle criticism better" you will think. True, but this way you look from the outside in and you put your own feelings on hold. Just watch, it works!

3.Listen to criticism in a non-violent way

Now you have learned to listen to the unfulfilled needs of your friend. This is already a challenge, because you look at a deeper level then what’s actually said. In this session, we will practise this again, but now we will listen to someone who is criticizing you.
You will look at what the other person needs. Why is they/them reacting this way? In this way the criticism turns into an unfulfilled need. A reaction that is more about the other person and less about you. This is what we will practise in this meeting.

4.We will fill the fourth meeting by agreement.

There are bound to be topics that require some attention.

NB in this training course we aim to create a environment where you can safely talk about your feelings and experiences in confidence. Therefore it is important to be present at all sessions.

For whom is this training?

This training is for all WUR students who want to learn to deal effectively with situations where communication is difficult. Think about group-work, house-meetings or other situations where you may face criticism.

Practical information

Group size Maximum 15 students
Language English*
Duration 4 sessions of about 1,5 hours, with an optional additional session or individual consultation with the trainer
Cost Free of charge; offered by Student Training & Support
AY 2024-2025 We start with a pilot in P1

Are you interested in joining this course in the future, please register for the interest list. As soon as new details are published we will send you an e-mail.