PhD defence

From Exposure to Action: Enhancing the Effectiveness of Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels

PhD candidate EM (Eva) Schruff-Lim MSc
Promotor JCM (Hans) van Trijp
Co-promotor PW (Ellen) van Kleef EJ (Ellen) van Loo
Organisation Wageningen University, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour

Fri 8 November 2024 13:00 to 14:30

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Auditorium


Obesity and nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases remain an issue around the world. FOP nutrition labelling has been repeatedly recommended as part of a broader strategy to improve population diets. This thesis deepens the understanding of consumers’ use of FOP nutrition labelling in supermarket settings.

The findings indicate that FOP nutrition labels on their own have overall small positive effects on supermarket sales. However, for indulgent categories, such as desserts, FOP nutrition labels led to lower nutritional quality of food sales. Due to their salient and easy-to-understand design, FOP nutrition labels are especially useful for knowledgeable and motivated consumers. Less knowledgeable and less motivated consumers need activation towards use of FOP nutrition labels. While educational campaigns about the FOP nutrition labels did not improve healthy choices, disrupting unhealthy choices by providing healthier food swap recommendations has been shown to motivate consumers to make healthier choices. A comprehensive policy approach that addresses both individual and environmental factors is needed.