Finals ReThink Textile Hackathon
During the two weeks of the ReThink Textile Hackathon, student teams explored options for establishing a new business to produce sustainable, biobased textiles in the Netherlands.
On 19 November, they will present their solutions in short pitches to an industry jury consisting of Harriette Bos (WUR), Christiaan Bolck (Oost NL), and Theresia Grevinga (Saxion).
In addition, Sanabel Abdulbawab, a sustainable textile researcher at WUR, will provide an overview in her keynote of the current textile processing workflow and outline a roadmap for transitioning it (back) to Europe, highlighting key challenges and opportunities in this shift. You will also have the chance to experience the Fossil-Free Wardrobe Expo, which showcases both new and rediscovered sustainable textiles.
At the end of the event, you can network and enjoy drinks and bites with music by DJ Disco ‘N Dance!