Erwin Bulte (Wageningen University): “A Tale of Framingand Screening: Experimental Evidence on Curbing Malaria Transmission in Ethiopia."
Tuesday March 5, Erwin Bulte (Wageningen University) will give a seminar entitled “A Tale of Framing and Screening: Experimental Evidence on Curbing Malaria Transmission in Ethiopia."
The seminar will take place in room B0082 between 12:00-13:00.
Lunch will be provided.
Malaria is a major public health problem in Africa. Traditional methods of controlling malaria no longer provide adequate protection against transmission, and future approaches require combining technical solutions and behavioral change. We use a cluster randomized controlled trial to study impacts of an intervention that combines house screening with a behavioral intervention based on health messaging. While screening provides modest positive benefits, these benefits are greatly leveraged if screening is combined with health messaging––depending on design of the choice architecture. While gain-based health messaging is ineffective, loss-framed messages have large and durable effects on behavior and health outcomes.