
Inner Presence for Effective Communication

Effective dialogue involves being fully present without judgment but with acknowledgement to what arises within and between individuals. By being in connection through good conversations, we can truly contribute to complex transitions.

Organised by Wageningen Dialogues

Thu 8 February 2024 12:00 to 14:00

Venue Omnia, building number 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 484500
Room Momentum

Build your capacities for skilled dialogue by experiencing the 'Dyad,' a two-person contact meditation that cultivates presence within yourself and in your interactions with others.

You can expect:

  1. A brief introduction on the Dyad and its scientific basis.
  2. A 40-minute Dyad session.
  3. Collective reflections on your experiences.

This workshop is hosted by Sietse Sterrenburg - study advisor, education experience session facilitator and dialogue enthusiast. Note that this method may be out of the ordinary and prior experience in meditation or attention-focused practices are appreciated. Want to explore before joining? Visit Global Dyad Meditation.

Anyone working or studying at WUR can join the community or join any of these individual meet-ups. Registration is not needed but appreciated (by sending an email).